dbrimlow.com web services
Web Technology
Web-based technology is more than a website, we use it to centrally control and integrate the management, distribution and display of information, services and products.
Our Work
For years we have created and integrated websites, Intranets, E-flyers, Office Systems, Databases, and "Product" Data Feeds via custom applications.
Who is DBrimlow
David Brimlow is a Senior Web Professional who has experience in all phases of business website creation, production, hosting and programming.
What is the point of your website?
Is it an online billboard?
Does it sell products or services?
A business Website is first and foremost about "Content".
We help you to present that content productively.
"If you think it's expensive to hire a professional
to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur."
- Red Adair
Cross-Browser compatibility
49% of the world uses a web browser other than Microsoft Internet Explorer. But 90% of the websites online are poorly coded or coded specifically for IE.
IE6, IE7 and IE8 each display web pages differently. Professional web coders ensure their code works in all browsers.
Website Specialties
- Code markup
- (X)HTML strict DTD
- W3C Standards compliance
- Semantic format
- organic SEO
- CSS based layout
- Cross-Browser/Platform compatibility
- Site Architecture
- Usability (user experience)